
programmes available NOW!

1:1 programmes

At B&B – one size does not fit all! Every female, their lifestyle, current stage in life and medical conditions- what one can comfortably achieve without the stress and overwhelm- is different!

1:1 Programmes are designed specifically for you and your family’s needs, current diet, lifestyle and exercise ability. 1:1 provides 24/7 support via our app from ME and programme length is determined on a call to best suit your result- 8 week minimum term- challenge intake! 

Below I have additional options available all to suit your lifestyle, budget and a level of support every woman requires. 

Maximum Support and Accountability 

Support and accountability are at the heart of B&B- the level of support and accountability given to clients remains unmatched.

Methods of support in place:

24/7 app support from Julianne

Weekly check in- progress form, video response, voice note check in, scheduled call or video call- I work with what suits each female best!

Whatsapp community group

Facebook HUB group- info, FAQs, extra recipes, follow along workouts

Movement motivation group

Zoom education session with Julianne

Private client podcast- tips, tricks, nutrition and mindset focused


our current programmes available are listed here- simply click the programme to commence.

*1:1 coaching requires call prior to commencing- Book 1:1 call for calendar.  

 28 day RESET customised course-click HERE 

This course is designed for those who want a customised plan to follow for 28 days. A call will kick this off with Julianne- focus on struggles and what we can implement to help, extra knowledge you may require and your blueprint will be designed sent directly to your email.

Follow up is via email on week 4.

8 week challenge style programme- click here 

1:1 coaching with Julianne,

Customised exercise, nutrition, pain management plan and lifestyle goals Delivered via barbells and babies App by Julianne,

weekly check in with Julianne and 24/7 support.

weekly challenges, follow along workouts, motivation and 1:1 accountability from Julianne.

Access to all community groups and zoom education sessions, pilates coaching sessions included.

Upon purchase of this programme you will receive an email to download the app and Julianne will get you started!

Monthly subscription-click here 

Monthly subscription

Delivered via our app software.

Fortnightly 1:1 check in with Julianne.

Access to community aspects.

Monthly goals, targets and habits set out.

Upon purchase of this programme, an email will be sent to you to download the app and we will focus on the first 4 weeks based on goal and current lifestyle.

What does this mean for you?

Barbells and Babies is a thriving community, fully online with your coach in your pocket. the knowledge and sustainable approach to nutrition, weight loss and sustainable lifestyle is our focus- ensuring every exercise, every piece of advice recommended is from an evidence-based, safe and realistic approach.

Check out our results section on Instagram highlights- here you will find more updates from clients, results and client spotlights from some of the women I have worked with. Weight loss, muscle mass increase, fat loss, strength increase, completely changed mindset around their health and fitness, knowledge of nutrition, balance and exercise, pain management under control, pelvic floor dysfunction rectified, medical conditions managed successfully – all ladies reach their goals- and surpass them!

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